An Important Message from our President and CEO
Dear Valued Customers, Arylessence Team, and Community:
As we close in 2020 and look forward to 2021, I’d like to share a few personal reflections regarding the year. Undeniably, 2020 was a year filled with hurdles and opportunities. It has challenged many people in ways they may have never experienced. As I think about real hurdles and acknowledge the genuine pain, loss, and trials for so many, my current life season reminds me of our significant ability to carry on with great hope. 2020 will not be the worst of the times our nation has faced. I certainly do not discount the pandemic’s momentous challenges; not for a moment, I’m profoundly reminded of the importance of perspective and the American people’s fortitude throughout history. The United States of America and its citizens are bound by a spirit of perseverance, dedication, tenacity, altruism, and hope. And as with historical American calamities, we have seen these admirable traits abundantly demonstrated in 2020 within our company, our communities, and throughout our great nation.
As Arylessence embarked on navigating the pandemic, we stayed focused on non-negotiable priorities. These priorities are a segment of absolutes we proudly refer to as
“The Arylessence Way”:
–Enhancing Lives & Working Safely. We put people first. Our associates and their families’ health and safety, our friends, customers, and our community are our highest priorities. We have closely monitored and strictly followed all pandemic guidance and directives from our local, state, and federal agencies. We will continue to do so.
–Going Above & Beyond. Operating as an “essential business” with high production demand, we never sacrificed – nor will we ever sacrifice – world-class quality and service to our customers. This service includes maintaining our industry-leading three-day order turnaround and delivery of “Arylessence Amazing Experiences” within every aspect of customer service, production, account management, R&D, and related business resource areas. Our associates made many sacrifices to meet the needed expansion of work hours to 24 hours per day while operating with proper social distance in place. To every person, our team members stepped up to meet these needs.
–A Strategic Resource on Demand. Our focus on unique creativity, expert safety & regulatory compliance services, valuable strategic insights, and alternate resource delivery were all utilized to quickly advance our customer’s business needs and meet pandemic demands. Our team rallied to complete every request sent our way, created strategic solutions, and exceeded our customers’ expectations.
–Valuing and Leveraging Industry Partnership. We prioritize acting as a dependable resource and support to our industry colleagues, trade associations, and our Georgia and global business partners. Our work partnering across industries has made meaningful impacts this year. We are investing further by increasing our support for 2021 in key partnership areas.
–Flexibility Creates Success. Flexibility is essential within our operations. Whether with our associates and their individual family needs, adjusting schedules to accommodate customer support and delivery demands, or modifying work environments and employee interactions to ensure ultimate safety – valuing flexibility & being nimble was and will continue to be a vital part of The Arylessence Way.
–Support for Others. Throughout 2020 we have given back to our community by assisting with a myriad of needs distinctive to the pandemic and are continuing our on-going charitable initiatives. Our Foundation work and charitable activities define how we give back to others. We see our role as a company that supports those in need. I am incredibly proud of the great work and impact Team Arylessence has made in many lives this year.
We successfully adhered to these priorities because of our talented and dedicated people. I am proud and honored to lead a great company committed to the highest business standards, as well as to unwavering excellence in everything we do. Long after the pandemic is gone, we remain committed to the distinctions of The Arylessence Way demonstrated by our incredible team this year.
We are grateful to our clients for the opportunities to demonstrate our ability to go Above and Beyond in 2020. As a company we have gained strength and capability when facing the pandemic’s many challenges. I am confident that as an industry, a nation, and a global community, we will come through this pandemic stronger than before. Arylessence remains focused on the safety and wellbeing of everyone we service and care for, particularly those we hold in the highest regard and value greatly – our customers, our communities, and our dedicated employees and their families.
Finally, on behalf of the entire Arylessence team, we offer our deepest condolences to the families, friends, and coworkers who have lost loved ones to the coronavirus and our sympathy to those impacted by the devastating consequences of this virus.
As I count the many blessings bestowed upon me in 2020, it is with great hope and profound optimism that I look forward to a brighter 2021 – a new year filled with fresh opportunities and for loved ones to be together once again.
I wish each and every one of you a healthy and prosperous 2021.
Be safe, well, and united. It is our pleasure to know and serve alongside you.
Steve Tanner, President and CEO, Arylessence