A Message from our President
Dear Valued Customers, Employees, and Community:
As the citizens and businesses of our great state of Georgia, our nation, and the world face the unprecedented consequences of the severe coronavirus pandemic, I’d like to share with you how we at Arylessence are responding in a few critical areas of importance.
First, our category of manufacturing is defined as an “Essential Business.” This determination is consistent with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)’s classification of the Chemical Sector as a Critical Infrastructure Sector, as fragrance ingredients are specialty chemicals.
Particularly, fragrance is a critical component of cleaning and disinfecting products that are now more important to our lives than ever. We are here to meet the increased production demands for these products used in homes, healthcare facilities, stores, schools, food processing plants, and a myriad of industrial and commercial settings every day. Cleaning and disinfecting products are essential in protecting the wellbeing of our fellow citizens.
Since Arylessence’s founding over 42 years ago, we have adhered to the highest standards of safety and hygiene, as well as prudent preparedness excellence in all areas of our business. Our daily above and beyond practices and procedures are now further emphasized and heightened to ensure we meet the unusual challenges of COVID-19. The hygiene and safety standards of our facilities represent the gold standard of manufacturing, ensuring we bring the safest and highest quality formulations to our valuable customers around the globe, as well as take the very best care of our dedicated employees.
In addition to our customary extensive cleaning procedures, we began additional and expanded hygiene practices within all facilities in January 2020, including added sanitizing services throughout the day. We suspended our international business travel In January and have implemented a strict domestic travel policy, as well. We consistently offer a sizable supply of hand sanitizers, cleaning products, and personal protective equipment for our employees and have a variety of work environment standards and accommodations in place according to the expert guidance from the CDC.
We will continue to closely monitor and strictly follow all guidance and directives from our local, state, and federal agencies.
We know as a company, a nation, and a global community, we will come through this pandemic stronger than before. Until then, we will continue to stay focused on the safety and wellbeing of everyone we service and care for, particularly those we hold in the highest regard and value greatly – our customers, our communities, and our committed employees and their families.
Finally, on behalf of the entire Arylessence team, we offer our deepest condolences to the families that have lost loved ones to the coronavirus disease.
Be safe, well, and united. It is our pleasure to serve and know you.
Kind regards,
Steve Tanner
President and CEO Arylessence